Saturday, January 15, 2011

Katie Price: Why are Alex Reid and I always in the news?

Katie Price: Why are Alex Reid and I always in the news?

Alex Reid and Katie Price.

And finally, Lost in Showbiz is delighted to report a lone voice of common sense cutting through the madness surrounding Katie Price's divorce from Alex "The Reidinator" Reid: the tittle-tattle, the speculation, the gossip mag headlines, of which LiS's favourite was "JORDAN EXPLODES", with its tantalising suggestion of spontaneous combustion. That lone voice is Price herself, complaining via a social networking site: "Wish people would concentrate on real news not what's speculated about people's relationships." Of course she does. After all, what was she doing selling photographs to the press of herself and the Reidinator at dinner in the Maldives over Christmas, other than sending out a plaintive message: "Please leave me alone. Concentrate on the real news. Perhaps these photographs of myself and the Reidinator at dinner DISCUSSING WHETHER ED MILIBAND IS CAPABLE OF LEADING THE LABOUR PARTY TO A NEW MIDDLE GROUND AWAY FROM NEW LABOUR'S TARNISHED NEOLIBERAL CONSENSUS will inspire you."

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