It seems that Rishi Kapoor has not taken the comments Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor made about his son, Ranbir Kapoor, on Koffee with Karan lightly at all. After going on record to oust the girls and host Karan Johar, he decided he needed to clear the air with old friend and Sonam's dad Anil Kapoor. Apparently, Rishi Kapoor decided to pick up the phone and call up his Anil Kapoor where he went on explaining his sheer disappointment in Sonam after she went on to call Ranbir "unstylish" among other things.
Doting father, Anil, said to have told Rishi, "I'm sixty years old now. Throughout my career people from the industry have made fun of me. They still do. First Shah Rukh Khan used to do it, now Riteish Deshmukh and Boman Irani also do it. It's part and parcel of showbiz. What would have happened if we sat and took them all seriously? We laugh along with them, and these things keep happening!"
It is unknown yet if Rishi Kapoor has gone to see or speak to Deepika Padukone’s father as she too went on to express her fondness and yet dislike for Ranbir on the show. Karan Johar has found himself dealing with a number of threats from the Kapoor family including ones that claim that they will simply stop associating themselves with Karan Johar and Dharma Productions.
Doting father, Anil, said to have told Rishi, "I'm sixty years old now. Throughout my career people from the industry have made fun of me. They still do. First Shah Rukh Khan used to do it, now Riteish Deshmukh and Boman Irani also do it. It's part and parcel of showbiz. What would have happened if we sat and took them all seriously? We laugh along with them, and these things keep happening!"
It is unknown yet if Rishi Kapoor has gone to see or speak to Deepika Padukone’s father as she too went on to express her fondness and yet dislike for Ranbir on the show. Karan Johar has found himself dealing with a number of threats from the Kapoor family including ones that claim that they will simply stop associating themselves with Karan Johar and Dharma Productions.
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