Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nexon / CJ 'Sudden Attack' - a joint service, a conflict settlement?

넥슨/CJ ‘서든어택’ 갈등 화해…공동 서비스 하나?게임하이,서든어택,CJ,넷마블,온라인게임,FPS,뉴스가격비교, 상품 추천, 가격비교사이트, 다나와, 가격비교 싸이트, 가격 검색, 최저가, 추천, 인터넷쇼핑, 온라인쇼핑, 쇼핑, 쇼핑몰, 싸게 파는 곳, 지식쇼핑

'Sudden Attack' put a new contract with Nexon netmabeul CJ E & M is causing a bigconflict of the two companies eventually decided to resolve the conflict naseotdalooking for consensus. In addition to this conflict resolution in the industry andnetmabeul Nexon Sudden Attack of the joint service is expected to take place.
20 days Nexon Press "through the companies operating rights of a problem any moreuser inconvenience and harm caused must not be a consensus under the consultationprocess and, CJ E & M netmabeul and game high of the operating rights restored, and the patch progresses agreed" he said.
In addition, "as long as the two companies agreed last seven games and 15 high,submitted to the Seoul District Court has decided to take all of the injunctionapplication," he said.
Even greater conflict spread to the legal battle, but the two companies almost gentlyloosen the conflict through consensus magazine, with the agreement without having to worry about Sudden Attack services for service users to progress seems to have no problem.
Sudden Attack of the settlement with two companies co-service agreement is expected to take place. In the meantime, for the services jointly with Nexon netmabeulsaid the negative position. But this conflict through reconciliation, CJ, and plans toproceed with the Joint Services said.
Nexon official with the announcement, "Nexon and CJ E & M netmabeul the seatuncomfortable for minimizing the new negotiations underway," said "of users,minimize the inconvenience, and Sudden Attack of the value to improve the new negotiations have embarked on," he said.
CJ E & M in connection with this announcement, the official "netmabeul for seamless service has continued forward with shared services. Together the two companies'win-win' so that you can be inconvenient for the user also will serve to minimize thesudden attack, "he said

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