Friday, June 24, 2011

the singer Justin Bieber attacked by a man in New York,Justin Bieber is injured at the launch of her perfume

According to the tabloid said the U.S.  The New York Post,the singer Justin Bieber was slightly wounded by a fan at the time of the release of her feminine scent,  Someday.The man jumped over a barricade for protection during the event, held on Thursday Monday in New York. 
The teen idol was thrown to the ground after the attack the man, but the injuries were "minor." The attacker had been arrested by the police, the tabloid reported. 
In his official page on the microblogging site Twitter, the singer mentioned the incident without elaborating: "I'm calm ... eat something ... and then see everyone at Macy's to launch the # Someday," he wrote, referring to the incident.
Thousands of fans of the singer, are encamped in front of Macy's department store, awaiting the arrival of Bieber.

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