Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The court issued a warrant against Doshi who failed to show up for the judgment

A magistrate court on Tuesday convicted film producer Gaurang Doshi for dowry harassment and sentenced him to three years rigorous imprisonment. Doshi’s estranged wife Madhuri had accused him and his parents of torturing her physically and mentally when she resisted dowry demands.
The court also sentenced Doshi to one year RI for voluntarily causing hurt and to three years RI for cruelty and criminal breach of trust. All the sentences would run concurrently. Doshi was also ordered to pay Madhuri Rs10,000 as compensation.

The court acquitted Doshi’s mother Madhukanta who was charged with voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means, cruelty and criminal breach of trust.

The court issued a warrant against Doshi who failed to show up for the judgment. Doshi had locked himself up in his apartment for days together to evade arrest in September last year and had been missing hearings even after he submitted an undertaking saying he would appear regularly.

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