Monday, July 11, 2011

HT City - Congratulations on the success of your new album ‘Born this Way

HT City - Congratulations on the success of your new album ‘Born this Way’. BTW connects with people regardless of their religion, background, gender or sexual orientation. What does 'Born this Way' personally mean to you? Lady Gaga - Born this Way is about being yourself and loving who

you are. Being proud and celebrating your individuality. Through writing this album what I discovered is that through our differences is what we are united, and that we are the same. For many years I was asked ‘why’ and so many questions about my artistic choices. About why I was a performance artist and also a pop commercial artist. When I arrived upon writing BTW is that I lived half way between reality and fantasy at all times and that’s my destiny. I was destined to follow my artistic visions. I was Born this Way.
HT City - Born this Way has broken many records and has had chart topping releases. Are you currently working on new single to be released from Born this Way or have you started working on a new album?

Lady Gaga - Well, I am always writing music whether or not it will make my next album, we will find out. But right now I am planning my next music video at the Haus of Gaga. It is going to be spectacular!

HT City- You recently tweeted saying Born This Way Ball is to tour in India. What made you decide to come to India and which parts are you most keen to visit?

Lady Gaga - Yes. The BTW Ball will tour in India next year.

HT City- Great! That will make all your Indian fans very happy…

Lady Gaga - It will make me so happy. I have wanted to come to India for so long and I was so disappointed that I couldn’t come at the end of this promotional trip because I have to get back to America to shoot this next video. I am actually coming to India this October as well. And I will do shows and performances.

HT City- What made you decide to come here?

Lady Gaga - Well, why not? India is a beautiful-beautiful country and I actually find that a lot of my philosophies about art are mirrored in the Hindu religion. The idea of reincarnation. I believe in reincarnation in this life. To be reborn in your true living days and not just after death. I am quite fascinated with India and I love my Indian fans. I hear from them all the time on twitter so I am excited to come and visit and perform.

HT City- Which place are you most keen to visit in India?

Lady Gaga - Everywhere. As many places I can go really.

HT City- Any Indian films you have watched and liked?

Lady Gaga - I have seen a few Bollywood films and I love how theatrical they are and that’s my favourite part that they are so surreal and full of fantasy.

HT City- Would you be able to name any one for our readers?

Lady Gaga - I couldn’t name any one in particular, I like so many…

HT City- Any favourite Bollywood actors?

Lady Gaga - Again I have so many actors and actresses that I love in India and I couldn’t just name one. I am just looking forward to getting to know them better...

HT City- If a Bollywood producer approaches you to do a song and dance number for a film, would you be interested in that?

Lady Gaga - Yes, ofcourse.

HT City- Growing up in NYC, were you able to sample Indian food? Indian food you love to eat?

Lady Gaga - I love Indian food. I love all sorts of curries and anything exotic and spicy. I am not very picky as an eater. I am excited to come to India and sample some really authentic Indian food.

HT City- You had once said Deepak Chopra is the most influential person in your life. Are there any other Indians who influence you and your work?

Lady Gaga - Umm… there are quite a few actually. I became friends with Deepak Chopra and he is so wonderful and so inspirational and I was able to get through so much in my career because of his teachings and his friendship.

HT City - Anyone else who inspires you or influences you(Indian)?

He would be the most main one.

HT City-  I read Freddie Mercury has been a great inspiration to you as well..

Lady Gaga - Well Freddie Mercury obviously had a huge huge huge impact on my life and my career. He is an absolutely legendary artist as well as a performer. My name ‘Gaga’ was inspired by the Queen song ‘Radio Gaga’. And actually Brian May(guitarist) from Queen, he played on my recent album BTW on the song ‘You and I’.

HT City- Any other Indian you are influenced from?

Lady Gaga - I am also influenced by Bikram. I do Bikram Yoga very hard core.

HT City-  There are may facets to your persona - style icon, songwriter, producer, activist, singer... which one do you personally relate to the most?

Lady Gaga - They are all equally important. They are all part of who I am. I cannot exist one without the other.

HT City- You have collaborated with to make Desi remixes of Born This Way. What part did you love about the remix and would like to incorporate in your music again?

Lady Gaga - Yes. You know it was such a wonderful experience to be able to translate the works I have done for the album through the ears and the hearts of these Indian producers. They are so talented. I was truly truly moved by all of the music that they made and their interpretations of the song were really genius. And it would be nice to come to India and meet them and talk more about the music in the future.

HT City- Any particular Indian instrument that you would like to use in your music?

Lady Gaga - I have always been a big fan of the Sitar.

HT City- We are very excited to have you visit and perform in India. Hope you will be travelling with the entire Haus of Gaga and perform in some Indian inspired fashion. (Her fashion director) Nicola Formichetti has been incorporating Indian touches to your look lately, will we see more of that?

Lady Gaga - Nicola is wonderful and I am excited to wear some Indian fashion. I can’t wait to get there.

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