Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Libertines and Babyshambles singer was sentenced to six months in prison for possession of cocaine in March

Pete Doherty has been released from jail, months earlier than expected.

The Libertines and Babyshambles singer was sentenced to six months in prison on 20 May after being filmed taking crack cocaine by documentary-maker Robin Whitehead the day before she died of heroin poisoning.

On the website Albion Rooms – billed as the repose of Peter Doherty, poet, musician and artist" – a message has appeared stating: "On this bright sunny morning Peter was released from prison and thanks everyone for their valued support whilst inside."

According to NME, Doherty's manager, Adrian Hunter, visited the message board of website French Dog Blues – posting under the pseudonym "Babybear" – to show his thanks for the support fans had given the troubled singer.

Hunter wrote: "Peter has been released as was reported there hours ago. Long day folks but a happy one. Many good things done ... All's good and peace and quiet shall now ensue. A bit of 'bedding in' and reflection is on the cards and so much the better."

When originally sentencing Doherty, judge David Radford said the singer had an "appalling record" of committing offences, having made 13 other court appearances. Doherty, 32, had pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine.

Doherty could still face up to five years in prison on a charge of "careless intoxication", after he allegedly broke into a record shop in Germany and stole a guitar in March.

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